
管理引导管理面板 by BootstrapGallery

管理-一个美丽和独特风格的管理面板是一个圆滑和专业的主题,专门为CRM设计, admin panels, 以及后端接口.
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It takes a lot of time to develop a dashboard admin panel. And it takes a lot of skill to make it work as you need. 这就是为什么我们为您提供仪表板管理模板,可以节省您的时间和...
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最佳IT管理面板 & 指示板模板

IT guys, programmers, SEO specialists, and web developers have their own criteria for how a dashboard should look. 当工作涉及数据分析时, 推广广告活动, 以及客户支持, it's important to have all the information in one place. 我们提供购买我们的主题,以改善外观,为您的员工创造舒适的工作条件. By purchasing the IT admin panel templates on this page, 你买的不仅仅是一个漂亮的, modern look. 有趣的图形, many settings for creating a unique appearance, 简单的令人惊叹的配色方案将使程序员的工作更愉快和富有成效. After all, design can also create a special mood during the job, thereby setting the employee in the right way. Buy, install and please your colleagues with a new dashboard.

谁能从使用IT公司中获益 & 服务管理面板模板?

我们所有的产品都质量上乘. 这一切都要感谢我们只与最好的开发人员和网页设计师合作. At the same time, 开发人员总是试图考虑到客户业务的具体情况. 专家制造产品,使其对买家尽可能有用.


  • 技术和发展;
  • creating websites,
  • SEO promotion,
  • 广告公司.

You'll be pleasantly satisfied with a large list of design options. See how many different layouts the developers have prepared for you. Choose and buy on Templateog体育首页 - a trusted marketplace.

How to Edit IT Admin Dashboard Design for my Website or App?

After the purchase, 你会有一个关于编辑的问题——是否值得改变外观? 你可以选择一个不需要大量编辑的主题,因为网站上有很多布局.

However, sometimes you can't do without a few changes. To start editing:

  • 安装购买的主题.
  • Take the instruction that you received with the purchase. 您将看到结构良好的文档.
  • Select the corresponding item that interests you. For example, how to change colors in appearance.
  • 打开设置说明并按照手册中描述的所有步骤操作.


Bootstrap Admin Panel Templates for IT Company & Services - How to Choose Your Perfect Dashboard Design


  • explore the Demo,
  • 阅读规格说明.

Go to the Demo by clicking the big green button on the product page. You'll see an example of how your dashboard will look after installation.

如果您对Demo印象深刻,并且希望购买IT管理面板模板,请研究其他特性. The functions may differ in each of the layouts.


  • Responsive design that helps adapt the dashboard to any screen size.
  • 视网膜准备好了——在任何屏幕上都能看得很清楚,无一例外.
  • 跨浏览器的兼容性.
  • Additional icons.
  • 舒适接触形式.
  • 开发者提供免费支持.
  • Instructions for making settings in the purchased layout.




Products give your dashboard a new stunning, and stylish design.


在本页找到合适的设计. 我们准备了一份别致的清单, stylish, 现代布局, taking into account the specifics of the work of specialists in programming, SEO, and development.

Why are IT admin panel templates better than free themes?

免费版本是老式的,没有这样的编辑功能. 此外,所附的使用说明并不总是用无障碍语言编写的. So, it takes time to understand how to make certain changes.


Yes, buyers will be able to customize and edit the appearance. 使用附带的说明,其中所有设置都是一步一步描述的.

The Latest Design Trends for IT Admin Panel Templates

与最热门的IT公司保持同步 & Services Admin Dashboard design trends of this year! 我们制作了一个信息丰富的视频,介绍了吸引每个人注意力的字体、样式和形式. 把它们用在IT人员身上, programmers, SEO specialists, Web开发人员项目, 用templatemmonster站在顶端.